Saturday, September 18, 2010

Invitation to a Dream...2010 Beauty & the Beast Convention (Part 2)

Having devoted the entire previous post to Linda Hamilton, let me assure you that the San Diego Convention would have been wonderful even if she had not shown up!

We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott in Old Town. When I realized how close San Diego is to Mexico, I had some wild thoughts about crossing the border just to say I had been out of the country. But that was really not necessary – just a few blocks from our hotel was the heart of Old Town where you can truly FEEL like you have crossed the border. There were open air cafes with Mexican music playing, a Mexican style market and other interesting shops. At night, it was all lit up and could not have been more fun and festive. We had some authentic Mexican food twice in the Coyote Cafe - both on the night we arrived and again on Sunday night after the convention ended. The food was very good and the atmosphere was wonderful.

On Friday morning, the program opened with the reading of an old story by, I believe, Sue Glasgow. It took me right back to my first Beauty & the Beast convention in 1991, South of Oz, where this story was read aloud at the banquet while a shadow play was performed to illustrate it. The South of Oz banquet was so magical for many reasons - that shadow play being one of them. Years later, I learned that my roomie, Cyndi Rodriguez, was actually the person who played Catherine in that shadow play! The story is epic in nature – all about Vincent and Catherine's legacy in the Tunnel World. I always find it sad - I don’t like thinking about V&C’s deaths, even if it is decades into the future. But the memories made it a very nice moment for me.

This was a year of great joy and great sorrow – and I felt good that we could share that range of emotions as a group. The memorial for Chan was beautiful and I thought it was so lovely that we actually got to live the ceremony from the episode 'Ashes, Ashes.' There was a small fire going on the patio outside of the convention room. It struck me that I don't think there has ever been an outdoor patio as part of the convention space before, but it was perfect for this. We were given small scroll-like bits of paper to write our messages on, and when we were ready we could bring them outside and add them to the fire.

Something beautiful was read that included a part about other loved ones we have lost this year. I remember JoAnn identified them only by relationship, and when I heard “a mother,” I felt so honored to have my mom acknowledged in that way. We were invited to write a note to these loved ones as well as Chan, and I did write a second note to my mom. My thanks again, JoAnn, for being so thoughtful.

It was my first time seeing Cory Danziger, Kipper - all grown up, and he very nice and SO cute. He seemed to have a real depth of understanding of what the show means. Considering he was so young at the time, that really surprised and delighted me. He said he did have a vague sense that the show was special at the time, but as he has gotten older he has come to realize the message and why so many people love it more and more.

I was once again honored to be able to model Catherine's costume from the pilot episode in the Tunnel Costumes fashion show. There are two costumes, one from “before” her attack, and a distressed one from “after.” In 2004, I modeled the the “before” set and I just barely fit into the dress. This time, Vicky wore the “before” dress and coat and I wore the “after” coat only, since the dress itself is torn and sewn with heavy tunnel style whip stitching and not easily gotten into. That was a blessing because I would probably not fit into the dress now anyway. But I loved being able to go on stage with my “twin,” Vicky, and model the two versions of what to me is the most inspiring of all Catherine's costumes – the one that started it all and holds the most possibilities, if you will.

One new activity, that was both brilliantly creative and so in keeping with the Mexican theme, was character pinatas! There were three of them: Paracelsus, Lisa and Lena. We didn't all get the chance to go up and take a whack at them, and that was a shame, because I would have loved to vent on at least one of them – probably Lena would have been my first choice. But it was fun just watching those whose names were called.

On Saturday morning, there was Rachel’s Gargoyles presentation. I have since gotten the first season DVDs, and I have to tell you that there really are amazing similarities between our show and this animated series - almost too many. It's very hard to believe that there wasn't at least one Beauty & the Beast fan among the creators. Just to give you an idea – there is an episode where the Catherine-like character, Elisa, gets shot. Goliath, the Vincent-like gargoyle, goes to the hospital and stands over her bed in a scene that was startlingly similar to “The Beast Within.” My thanks to Rachel for making me aware of this series.

Also on Saturday, there was Daria’s Make-a-Bracelet workshop. There were beads of every shape and color and it all looked so pretty, but I have never attempted to make jewelry before - unless you count Tamara's Crystal workshop last year in New Orleans. I really enjoyed that one so I decided to give this a try. It was so much fun! I learned enough to hopefully try it on my own. (I've already been to the bead department of A. C. Moore) And what's more, I was thrilled with how good my bracelet looks. I would not have thought I could make anything that nice on the first try. Thanks to Daria for sharing her expertise with us.

Banquet memories are mostly dominated by Linda H's presence, but one very special moment was when Vicky and Lee Holdridge did a duet of the Beauty & the Beast theme music “The First Time I Loved Forever.” It was just breathtaking to hear that song performed by two such talented people. And beyond that, I was moved by the fact that this was a moment of two people coming together and sharing their talents – in true Tunnel Spirit - with no thought to who was a “guest” and who was a “fan.” A brief, but golden, moment of perfect Beauty & the Beast harmony.

While I'm talking about performances, I also must mention the performance by the band from our charity, the Monarch School. They played for us during one of our lunch breaks and they were wonderful. The selections that they played were so lively. I especially loved “Under the Sea” from The Little Mermaid. I love that song and hearing it live on the steel drums was so memorable for me.

This con ended with our newest tradition that was begun last year: All of us with hands joined in a huge circle that wound its way around the edges of the room as they did in the episode 'Dead of Winter.' This time the Con Virgins were asked to remain in the center of the circle, like Catherine, until they were formally invited to “come and complete the circle.” In some ways, I find this even more moving than the banquet's candle lighting ceremony. And when it was over, we all dissolved into a good thirty minutes or more of hugs. It's the perfect way to end the weekend – and the perfect outlet for “that feeling.”

You know, that warm and wonderful, unique and special feeling – that feeling that I've never quite experienced anywhere other than a Beauty & the Beast convention! : )


  1. That's a great con report, Rosemarie! Thanks so very much for sharing it!!

  2. Oh, Rosemarie... you nearly made me cry! Just to be able to go back there and relive it all has its kind of magic. Thanks so much for a wonderful report!
    Big hugs,

  3. Thank you so much for posting a lovely and wonderful and detailed account of the weekend. It really brought my back to San Diego. There really is nothing like the BATB cons.

    Take care and STAY in TOUCH

